B Corp: A movement of companies making a Positive Impact​

Following its initial recognition in 2020, Valrhona is renewing its B Corp status! This evaluation recognizes our commitment and all the initiatives we have implemented over the years to create a fair and sustainable cocoa sector and a gastronomy world that does good and tastes great. B Corp is also a great human adventure that has inspired all our staff to get involved.​

Being a B Corp means being part of a community of the world’s most ethically conscious companies which all belong to a global movement for a more inclusive, equitable, and regenerative economy. Today, nearly 6,900 companies worldwide are B Corp, including just over 300 in France. Companies such as Patagonia, Danone, Nespresso, Veja, and Chloé are all part of this movement.

To secure labellisation, they have to meet extremely high standards in terms of their social and environmental performance, legal responsibilities, and transparency across five areas: governance, workers, customers, community, and the environment.

Valrhona's cocoa producers in Madagascar

Hetsika: a recipe inspired by B Corp 

Our work to drive forward a collective movement that unites the gastronomy world also entails inspiring customers and dreaming up pastry-making’s future together. With this in mind, Valrhona has come up with a recipe inspired by B Corp’s philosophy. From the choice of ingredients to the various stages involved in creating this dessert, nothing was left to chance by Baptiste Sirand, a pastry chef and instructor at L’École Valrhona who, along with Jérémy Aspa, won the 2022 Meilleur Pâtissier: Les Professionnels television show.

Hetsika, une recette Valrhona raisonnée inspirée par B Corp