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Recipe Step by Step
1000g Flour T55
240g Whole eggs
200g Milk
200g Water
18g Fine sea salt
180g Caster sugar
30g Yeast powder
210g Old brioche dough
200g Butter
Mix all the ingredients except the butter and the viennese paste. 10 minutes in 2 different speeds (5 minutes - 1st, 5 minutes - 2nd). Add the viennese paste and the butter. Mix until the dough does not stick to the side of the bowl. Allow to rest outside for 30 minutes then realise balls of 60g each. Spray a bit of water and sprinkle the peanut crumble on top. Allow to proof around 2 hours, spray with the whole egg. Bake in a deck oven at 180°C during 15 minutes.
200g Butter
370g Praliné Peanut 70%
4g Fine Sea Salt
75g Whole eggs
500g Flour for sponges and viennoiseries
10g Baking powder
Knead all the ingredients together.
100g Milk
3g Gelatin powder
15g Water
555g Praliné Peanut 70%
350g Fresh Cream 35%
Boil the milk and the rehydrated gelatinous, realise an emulsion with the peanut praliné. Add the cream and use a handblender to finish the emulsion. Store in the chiller and pipe 100g of cremeux inside the baked brioche.