Blonde Chocolates Blond Dulcey 35%

Dulcey 32% is a smooth, creamy chocolate with a velvety and enveloping texture and a warm, blond color.

Flavor Profile Biscuity

Secondary Notes Salty

Product Information

In 2012, Valrhona invented the fourth chocolate color – Blond. During one of his pastry demonstrations, Frédéric Bau once absent-mindedly left his white chocolate over bain-marie too long. To his surprise, the chocolate turned blond and was giving off a delicate scent of freshly baked shortbread and caramelized milk.

It took eight years of research to perfect the recipe for Dulcey – But it is now ready to empower you to push your creative limits.


Optimal Application


Recommended Applications

CoatingMoldingBarsMoussesIce Cream&Sorbets



Best by:

12 months

Packaging Format

3kg bean bag - 9458
11kg bean bag - 9309

Other feature(s)

Contact your distributor to check the availability in your country.