Reducing our environmental impact

Our environmental challenges

Our activities – from growing cocoa to selling chocolate – have an impact on the environment. At Valrhona, we are committed to minimizing these impacts. This makes sense from a commercial point of view, but also and most importantly to guarantee us a healthy future and a healthy planet.

To stay aligned with a warming trajectory of +1.5°C, France must reduce its emissions by 63% by 2030. To comply with this reduction, numerous measures need to be implemented. Valrhona has chosen to align with the global move towards carbon emissions reduction. So that we can combat climate change and make a meaningful transition towards an environmentally friendly way of working, we have made exact calculations of our emissions a priority. This will enable us to take action and, most importantly, to reduce the emissions we make.


The data displayed below relates to the activities of our two chocolate factories at Tain l’Hermitage, as well as at the École Valrhona, the store and the Cité du Chocolat. We are closely monitoring our energy consumption at these locations.

Valrhona's cocoa tree in Madagascar

2023 results

-62% of GHG (greenhouse gas emissions)

directly generated by Valrhona through the combustion of fossil fuels and the consumption of electricity (scope 1 & 2) since 2013. Objective for 2025: -60%

93% of waste recovered

(cardboard, plastic, organic materials). Objective for 2025: 100%.

68% of our energy mix

(electricity & gas) comes from renewables. Objective for 2025: 79%

86% of our packaging

is recyclable. Objective for 2025: 85%

100% of new products

meet Valrhona eco-design criteria (packaging and recipes). Objective for 2025: 100%

-18% in waste generated

overall 2013. Objective for 2025: 50% reduction.

-33% of tap water consumption

(and 49% less groundwater used) since 2013. Objective for 2025: 50% reduction.

-40% in our total energy consumption

since 2013. Objective for 2025: 50% reduction.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Greenhouse gas emissions are measured either directly or indirectly, using “scopes”:

  • Scope 1 includes greenhouse gas emissions that are directly connected to the product’s manufacturing process, resulting from the burning of fossil fuels such as oil, gas, coal, etc.
  • Scope 2 includes greenhouse gas emissions that are connected to the consumption of energy that is required in order to make the product (electricity, heating, cooling or steam).

We currently operate two chocolate factories: the Dodet site on the outskirts of Tain l’Hermitage, and our historic Guironnet site in the town center. Our environmental plan covers these two chocolate factories in their entirety, as well as the École Valrhona, the store and the Cité du Chocolat. We are closely monitoring our energy consumption at these locations.

  • Scope 3 covers all other greenhouse gas emissions not directly linked to product manufacturing, but to other stages in the product's life cycle (supply, transport, use, end of life, etc.).

This is the largest source of emissions for agri-food companies.
Growing cocoa is our largest source of greenhouse gas emissions.

Cocoa’s impact on the environment (scope 3)

The climate crisis is the greatest challenge of our time. At Valrhona, we know that the future of our planet, not to mention our company, depends on our ability to put the climate first in everything we do – every decision, every action, every investment.

Cocoa growing is responsible for the majority of chocolate production’s greenhouse gas emissions (1kg of cocoa emits 23.2kg of carbon dioxide on average worldwide), and 95% of its carbon footprint is due to deforestation.

To reduce our cocoa’s carbon footprint, we are fighting deforestation on several major fronts:

  1. Traceable plots
  2. Studying changes in tree cover
  3. Calculating our cocoa’s carbon footprint

Eco-design (scope 3)

Valrhona is working on the eco-design of its products to fully satisfy our customers while reducing our footprint on the environment and natural resources. We thus act through the eco-design of our packaging and recipes for all new product developments. Our marketing, R&D, and purchasing teams must ensure that a number of criteria are respected with each new development.


  • Length of the list of ingredients
  • No additives or controversial ingredients
  • Nutritional impact
  • Level of societal and environmental risk of the sector from which each ingredient comes


  • Reduce weight (of packaging)
  • Choose materials made from renewable and/or recycled resources
  • Aim for 100% recyclable packaging

For example, the non-recyclable plastic cells used to package chocolate bonbons have been replaced by recyclable transparent cells containing 30% recycled materials. In 2023, the recyclable packaging rate rose again, from 83% to 86% compared to 2022, an increase of 3 points.

Valrhona's Eco-design

Transport (scope 3)

FRET 21 is an initiative aiming to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the freight transport sector. It encourages the use of more environmentally-friendly modes of transport and raises awareness of the importance of sustainability among the freight industry. In 2022, Valrhona renewed its commitment to this initiative for a further 3 years. The company is involved in a number of initiatives aimed at reducing emissions by several hundred tons of CO2. The company signs up to 11 actions under this initiative, the aim of which is to reduce emissions by 949 tonnes of CO2, i.e. a 13% reduction in GHG emissions over the period 2022-2024. Actions focused on 4 main areas:

  • Reducing carbon footprint in the last miles (thanks in particular to deliveries by bicycle or electric vehicle)
  • Reducing airborne emissions (by controlling our shipments to subsidiaries)
  • CO2 Target LABEL (give preference to carriers with the CO2 Target label)
  • Experimentation with alternative, less polluting means of transport such as sailboats, biofuel trucks, etc.
Valrhona's impact on transportation

Water management

In addition to measuring its carbon footprint, Valrhona also works to respect the planet’s limits. Water management is crucial to preserving the water resources that are essential to life on Earth.

We are now devoting particular attention to our water usage, with the specific objective of cutting our 2013 consumption rates in half by 2025.

By 2023, water consumption at the Tain l’Hermitage production sites had been reduced by 33% compared with 2013. This measure is highly dependent on summer heat in production plants, where temperatures have to be kept stable.
In addition to making employees more aware of their individual usage, teams worked on the risks of leaks in water circulation systems. The most important activity in 2023 was therefore to improve the metering system. This meant: 10 new water meters have been installed so that any leaks can be identified and repaired.

Valrhona's Water Management

Energy (scope 1 & 2)

We are committed to reducing the amount of energy we use to make our chocolate and to promoting the use of renewable energy instead of fossil fuels. Since 2013, we have reduced our total energy consumption by 40%, and 68% of our energy mix comes from renewable sources.
As part of our efforts to be an exemplary manufacturer in terms of energy consumption, we are proud to say that for the past five years, 100% of our electricity has come from certified purchases of hydroelectric power. Through these energy purchases under Guarantee of Origin Certificates, we help finance the renewable energy sector.

More environmentally-friendly refrigeration systems.

Valrhona has to use refrigeration chambers in certain areas of its storage facilities to preserve the flavor qualities of these chocolate products. Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) are the fluids most commonly used in refrigeration and air conditioning systems. Their global warming potential is much higher than that of natural hydrocarbons or ammonia-based refrigerants. By investing in facilities that use low-warming fluids, Valrhona reduces their contribution to GHG emissions in the long term.

Valrhona's Energy

Reusability: “La Consigne by Valrhona” returnable packaging scheme and reusing our resources (scope 3)

Driven by our zero-waste objective, Returnable Packaging by Valrhona is the name of our ambitious project to reinvent how customers handle the packaging we produce. Launched in 2020 and based on circular economy principles, this project involves trialing deliveries of new packaging which is then recovered, washed and reintroduced into production processes. 

La Consigne by Valrhona returnable packaging scheme has achieved its primary objective of reducing waste. 
The 2023 balance sheet for La Consigne is positive: 2,830 containers sent to customers in France, representing 17 tonnes of chocolate 691kg of CO2 saved 693kg of waste avoided.

La consigne by Valrhona

Portraits of Valrhona Experts

Safety & Environment - Elisande Bourry x Nicolas Ghibaudo
B Corp - Audrey Vicenzi
Eco-design - Claudie Bochart & Pierre Martinet
Transport - Guillaume Sempere

ACT’s step-by-step decarbonization strategy*

Aware of the challenges posed by the climate emergency, Valrhona has set itself ambitious targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The aim is to help limit the global temperature rise to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, in line with the Paris Agreements. This is why, in 2023, Valrhona is announcing its determination to reduce its GHG emissions. These objectives are clear :

Reduce by 50% total emissions (Scope 1, 2 and 3) measured in CO2 equivalent per tonne of products sold by 2030, and
90% by 2050.

To create its decarbonization strategy, the company has used the “ACT Step by Step” approach since 2021. This initiative has been developed by the French Environment and Energy Management Agency (ADEME) and the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP). It aims to assist companies in drawing up, deploying, monitoring, and evaluating their decarbonization strategy.

So, whether in production, logistics, marketing or any other area of activity, every decision taken by Valrhona is now informed through the lens of reducing the company’s environmental impact.
This decarbonization plan represents much more than just a series of objectives to be achieved. It is a genuine corporate transformation plan, based on specific, bold commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

*Assessing low Carbon Transition

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