Single Origin Illanka 63% Pure Peru

This distinctive chocolate delivers exceptional creaminess with strong tang and complex notes of sun-ripened blackberries, blueberries and black grapes.

Flavor Profile Fruity

Secondary Notes Grilled Dried Fruit

Hint of Sweety

Product Information

Illanka: The product of a rare terroir, a concentrated blend of subtle and delicate flavors. Valrhona's sourcers selected Illanka beans for you in the Piura region of northern Peru. This Grand Cru features a distinct flavor profile that can only come from rare growing conditions where cocoa is produced from white beans.


Partner producer


Piura 5°10’46.7”S / 80°39’13”W


Recommended Applications

CoatingMoldingBarsMoussesCremeux&GanachesIce Cream&Sorbets


BlueberriesCitrusPassion FruitPeanutEspelette pepperSafronetteAlmond milkCaramelCheesecake

% of main ingredient

63% of Cocoa

Best by:

14 months


Sugar 35%, Fat 37%

Packaging Format

3kg bean bag - 9559

Other feature(s)

Contact your distributor to check the availability in your country.