Published on 6/16/21

Discovery box: The Christmas edition, the recipes



150g Syrup of glucose
200g Caster Sugar
100g Roasted, chopped almonds
40g Grated coconut
2g Lime zest

Use a drop of oil to stick some baking paper on a marble bench. Prepare a dry caramel with the glucose syrup and the caster sugar, once the caramel is medium blond in color, stop the cooking at once and pour it immediately on the prepared marble bench, let it cool down and harden. While the caramel is cooling, roast separately the chopped almonds and the shredded coconut, once both are cooled add the lime zest. Once the caramel is cold enough use a robot-coupe to chop & grind it finely, as for a crunchy chocolate bar, at last combine the caramel, the chopped almond sand coconut together, use the blend on the same day or keep sous-vide


300g  AMATIKA 46%
190g Nougatine Exotic

Temper the Amatika chocolate, once it is ready add in the aromatic blend. Use the truncated-cone mold and cast it with the crunchy chocolate mixture, Leave the chocolate to set and crystallise overnight.


NIUKAWA IS NEW PREPARATION CREATED AND NAMED BY L’ECOLE VALRHONA ASIA. It derives from the contraction of NyukaJapanese word for emulsion and Water. This new name for a texture, is used to define a product close to the ganache, yet we have decided to give it a new name since it refers to a different emulsion process and different ingredient list compare to a classical ganache. NIUKAWA follows the same emulsion process of a mayonnaise, pouring the melted oil or fat (Chocolate) over the water base containing some Natur-emul or other types of natural fibers. This new emulsion is VEGETAL BASED and could also be called Vegan as long as ALL products used areVegancertified; hence here the term Vegetal Base rather than Vegan. 

This new process in pastry preparation, requires precision in the temperature control and is best prepared using an electrical blender Robot-Coupe Style.


300g Banana pulp
105g Cocoa butter Valrhona
8g Natur Emul SOSA

Use a Hand blender to mix the Sosa Natur emul with the banana puree around 18°C.Together melt the inspiration and cocoa butter at35°C. Transfer the room temperature puree in a Robot-Coupe type of blender and start to blend the fruit puree / Natur-emul mixture until it reaches 22°C. (The speed of blender will heat the puree very evenly, indeed this technic is proved to be the best way to control the temperature, since microwave could be too fast); once the fruit puree is at 22°C, and while the robot is turning add pour the Yuzu inspiration and coco butter mixture on to the puree, the emulsification should happen pretty quickly; control the emulsion and do not overturn since it could split. Stop the blender and verified that the temperature is at 28-30°C before pouring the Niukawa in to the 4mm frame. Allow to set and crystallise overnight.


230g Mango pulp
75g Cocoa butter
7g Natur Emul SOSA

Use a hand blender to mix the Sosa Natur emul with the mangopuree around 18°C. Together melt the inspiration and cocoa butter at35°C.Transfer the room temperature puree in a Robot-Coupe type of blender and start to blend the fruit puree / Natur-emul mixture until it reaches 22°C. (The speed of blender will heat the puree very evenly, indeed this technic is proved to be the best way to control the temperature, since microwave could be too fast); Once the fruit puree is at 22°C, and while the robot is turning add pour the Passionfruit inspiration and coco butter mixture onto the puree, the emulsification should happen pretty quickly; control the emulsion and do not overturn since it could split. Stop the blender and verified that the temperature is at 28-30°C before pouring the Niukawa in to the 4mm frame. Allow to set and crystallise overnight.


9g Natur Emul SOSA
20g Vanilla Extract NOROHY
576g Raspberry pulp

Use a hand blender to mix the Sosa Natur-emul with the raspberry puree around 18°C and add the vanilla extract. Melt the 2 Inspiration chocolate together at35°C. Transfer the room temperature puree in a Robot-Coupe type of blender and start to blend the fruit puree / Natur-emul mixture until it reaches 22°C. (The speed of blender will heat the puree very evenly, indeed this technic is proved to be the best way to control the temperature, since microwave could be too fast); Once the fruit puree is at 22°C, and while the robot is turning add pour the Inspiration Chocolate mixture onto the puree, the emulsification should happen pretty quickly; control the emulsion and do not overturn since it could split. Stop the blender and verified that the temperature is at 28-30°C before pouring the Niukawa into the 4mm frame. Allow to set and crystallise overnight.


400g AMATIKA 46%
150g Passion fruit pulp
5g Natur Emul SOSA
50g Syrup Glucose DE60

Use a hand blender to mix the Sosa Natur-emul with the passionfruit puree around 18°C. Melt the Amatika choclate at 35°C and add the warm glucose DE60. Transfer the room temperature puree in a Robot-Coupe type of blender and start to blend the fruit puree / Natur-emul mixture until it reaches 22°C. (The speed of blender will heat the puree very evenly, indeed this technic is proved to be the best way to control the temperature, since microwave could be too fast); Once the fruit puree is at 22°C, and while the robot is turning add pour the Amatika & Glucose mixture onto the puree, the emulsification should happen pretty quickly; control the emulsion and do not overturn since it could split. Stop the blender and verified that the temperature is at 28-30°C before pouring the Niukawa into the 4mm frame.


220g Coconut oil
80g Water
6g Natur Emul SOSA
50g Caster Sugar
150g Hazelnuts powder
160g Flour for sweet pastry
4g Salt
40g Maltosec SOSA

Mix the water and the Natur-emul then prepare an emulsion with first half quantity of coconut oil melted at 35°C, (this will replace the usual butter). Start to knead this blend with all the powder, then add the remaining coconut oil.Allow to rest and set in the chiller before rolling down to 3mm between 2 sheets of paper, leave to rest in the chiller until the down is firm then cut the required squares, do not forget to cut a disk at the center to pass the snacks through the tube. You may also prepare the small rings of 5 cm in diameter to insert between the different layers of snacks. Line down on a Silpain and bake at 150°C for 30 minutes.


200g AMATIKA 46%

Prepare the crystallization (Temper), all the different chocolates separately then spread between two plastic sheets and mark to cut the square to the different sizes, and mark the 2cm circle at the center. Leave to set and crystallize between two trays overnight.



100g Flaxseed flour
700g Flour for sweet pastry
30g Baking powder
10g Fine sea salt
400g Hazelnuts powder
500g AMATIKA 46%
450g Grapeseed oil
20g Natur Emul SOSA
1000g Almond milk
800g Caster sugar

Sieve all the powders together except the sugar. Melt the Amatika with the grape seed oil, in the meantime mix the Natur-emuland the almond.Once both blends are ready emulsify them together like for a ganache, once the mixture is smooth, fold all in the powders. Spread on a tray and bake in a convection oven at 165°C for25 minutes.Leave to cool down before cutting the disks. Each cake will require 2 disk of 10cm + 1 disk of 12 cm.


60g Coconut oil

160g Yuzu Coconut Blend
15g Raspberry Wet Proof Crispy SOSA

Melt together the inspiration Yuzu and the coconut oil, and cool directly the mixture to 26°C. As per a classing molding, mold the plastic cake base, 3 TIMES,each time with a fine layer, and leave them to set overnight, ready to assemble the layers inside the Yuzu coconut shell. Count about 50 gr of Yuzu-Coconut oil per mold + 10 for the closing base. Reserve the remaining 160 gr of Yuzu coconut blend for the closing of the basewith the additional Raspberry Wet Proof crispy.


200g Yuzu Paste Cold Confit SOSA
20g Gel-Crem Cold SOSA

Using a handheld mixer, blend the cold yuzu paste with the Gel-cSosa until the blend thickens


Prepare the Amatika Cake disk, and the Yuzu-Coconut Molds. In a yuzu-coconut shell-mold, pipe a very thin layer of Yuzu paste at the bottom and insert a small disk of Amatika cake, pipe a second layer of Yuzu coconut paste, add the second layer of cake and top it with another very thin layer of yuzu-coconut paste, then finish with the third layer cake layer of 12 cm. Once the assembledjust close the mold using the Yuzu-Coconut and Crispy Raspberryblend, this last thinlayer will be used as a base to handle and cut the base, while giving some extra crunch and fragrance to thewhole cake


If you want to surprise your friends and family and re-use that box, here are some final details about the assembly

In advance
Fit the bases with the cake board and the supportive tube, 

The day before
Spray the pound cake base and the trunked cones in their respective color and flavors

On-the-day final assemblage
Stack up the snacks, starting with a sable, then the niukawa and finish with the chocolate square. Once all the elements are ready,first slide-in the vegetal pound cake followed in size order by the snacks themselves separated by a sable ring to create some space and elegance, then finish with the trunked cone. 

This tree can be either delivered on a tray for room amenities and in house dining, or as per our Discovery Box 2021 sent in a specially created box, in that case it is advised to study the vertical support of the all tree to avoid any transport incident.